Air Conditioner Installation: ​​Geothermal Air Conditioning vs Central Air Conditioning | Mansfield, TX


Air Conditioner Installation: ​​Geothermal Air Conditioning vs Central Air Conditioning | Mansfield, TX

Did you know there are many different ways to cool your home? Air conditioning has come a long way since its invention in the early 1900s. Without air conditioning, life would be very different. Living conditions in hot areas would be nearly impossible to deal with. If you do not have a working air conditioning system you may want to consider installing a totally new air conditioning system. With a huge variety to choose from, it would be beneficial for you to consult with a professional HVAC technician before you decide which air conditioning system to get. If you live in or around the Mansfield, TX, area, and are in need of air conditioner installation, contact the staff at Minuteman Heating & Air for service today.

Although there are many different air conditioning systems to choose from, none are as popular or prevalent as the central air conditioning system. The geothermal air conditioning system is not as popular in the US; however, it is deemed to work just as efficiently as the central air conditioning system. Air conditioner installation for these two very different systems varies but is similar in terms of duct placement and construction. So why is the Geothermal air conditioning system not as popular? You may be asking yourself this, especially if you are considering installing a new air conditioning system. If you are in need of a new air conditioner, consult with a professional beforehand.

Differences Between Geothermal Air Conditioning and Central Air Conditioning

To fully weigh the pros and cons of the Geothermal air conditioning system and the central air conditioning system, it would be helpful to understand how each system works, its cost or air conditioner installation, how long it lasts, and the efficiency. If you live in or around the Mansfield, TX, area, and are in need of air conditioner installation, contact the staff at Minuteman Heating and Air for service today.

Central Air Conditioning: How It Works

The central air conditioning system functions similarly to any run-of-the-mill air conditioning system on the market. The major differences are due to the size of this appliance. Central air conditioning typically shares components with central heating appliances. The components that are typically shared between the two are blowers and air ducts. Central air conditioner installation can be quite extensive if you do not already have the ducts built-in.

Central air conditioning is made up of two separate units. One unit is responsible for taking in the hot and humid air. This typically happens through the intake vents. After the heat from the air is absorbed, it is moved toward the outside unit. This unit expels the heat. The air is then cooled with a fan and moved through the air ducts, out the vents, and into your property.

Central air conditioning and heating must have air ducts placed strategically throughout the property in order for the conditioned air to reach every part of the property. If these air ducts are already installed, air conditioner installation becomes easier. However, if your property does not have air ducts, the construction and installation can be more intense.

Geothermal Air Conditioning: How It Works

Geothermal air conditioning isn’t a common term. In fact, Geothermal heat pumps are more commonly referenced than the air conditioning component. This leads many to believe that geothermal HVAC systems are only for heating, which is not true. Geothermal air conditioning uses the same concept it does to heat. If you are interested in geothermal air conditioner installation contact your local, licensed HVAC technician for service and consultation.

Geothermal heat pumps are very efficient and interesting HVAC appliances because many of the components rely on natural occurrences in order to work. To understand how Geothermal air conditioning works, you will need to understand how it is capable of transferring heat. Geothermal heat pumps use the temperature from the earth to either heat or cool your home. Geothermal means heat from the earth. It comes from the Greek word geo and therme, which means earth and heat. This energy is considered a renewable source since the earth is constantly producing heat.

Heat is actually produced all year round and the temperature below the frost line typically stays consistent all year round. The frost line is typically 3 to 5 feet down. In the US, northern states typically have a geothermal temperature of 45 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit, while states in the south typically have a range of 50 – 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Geothermal air conditioner installation will need to involve placing pumps below the frost line in order to absorb the geothermal energy.

Geothermal heat pumps do not use air from inside or outside of the home in order to provide heated or cooled air. Geothermal heat pumps actually use a fluid of some kind to construct thermal energy. The fluid is typically something as simple as water. Water is actually a suitable substance for transferring heat, seeing as though it is about 200 times better at conducting thermal energy than air is. This is why geothermal air conditioning works well in both the summer and wintertime.

Geothermal Air Conditioning vs Ventral Air Conditioning

Both the geothermal air conditioning system and central air conditioning system work very efficiently. These systems work well in both the winter and summertime. Some may consider the geothermal HVAC system more efficient due to the fact that only one appliance is needed to heat and cool the home. The central air conditioning system will require a furnace or heating apparatus of some kind to produce heat.

Central air conditioning systems cost an average of 2500 to 7000 to install, while geothermal air conditioner installation can range from 13,00 to 36,000. Central air conditioners also last an average of 10 to 15 years, while the geothermal air conditioning system can last an average of 20 to 25 on average. Although the geothermal air conditioning seems pricey, it is also well worth the cost. Due to how the geothermal air conditioning system works, it will require less energy to operate and therefore end up costing you less in the long run.

If you are interested in installing a geothermal or central air conditioning system, consult with your local HVAC technician to decide which would work best for you. If you live in or around the Mansfield, TX, area, and are in need of air conditioner installation, contact the staff at Minuteman Heating & Air today.

Photo By BanksPhotos at istock