Air Conditioning Service: ​​Signs Of A Failing Air Conditioner | Arlington, TX


Air Conditioning Service: ​​Signs Of A Failing Air Conditioner | Arlington, TX

Photo By tommaso79 at istock

If you live in Arlington, TX, the air conditioner is your best friend. In summer, the weather gets uncomfortably hot, and nothing feels better than walking into an air-conditioned home after spending some time in the hot weather outside. Unfortunately, like any other electrical appliance, your air conditioner can break down and fail to do its job as expected. Besides, your air conditioner is not designed to last forever, and therefore, there will come a time when you will need to replace it. The good news is that whether your air conditioner needs to be repaired or replaced, it will give you early signs that will prompt you to call an air conditioning service provider when it is most convenient to do so. But how exactly can you know that your air conditioner is failing, and how can you choose the right air conditioning provider to guide you on the most appropriate decision to take?

Is My Air Conditioner Failing?

Ensuring that your air conditioner is repaired or replaced on time can have many great benefits. For instance, it can save you money and help you avoid the inconveniences that come with emergency air conditioner breakdowns. Timely air conditioner repairs or replacements can also help with keeping your home safer and more comfortable. But for you to call your air conditioning service on time, you need to understand how your air conditioner works and take note of any signs of failure. Below is a rundown of some common signs of a failing air conditioner.

The Air Conditioner Is Blowing Warm Air

Your air conditioner is essentially supposed to cool your indoor air. Therefore, if it is blowing warm air instead of cool air, there could be a serious air conditioning failure. This can happen due to several reasons. For instance, if the condenser coil in the outdoor unit is covered with dirt, it is not going to release heat effectively. Similarly, if your filter is dirty, the flow of air is going to be impeded, meaning that your air conditioner will be less effective in cooling your indoor air. Your air conditioner can also fail to cool your indoor air if there is a refrigerant leak and the level of the refrigerant is low. Whatever the reason for blowing warm air might be, you need a professional air conditioning services provider to ensure that it is diagnosed and fixed before getting out of hand and causing serious inconvenience in your Arlington, TX home.

Your Air Conditioner Runs Constantly

Your air conditioner should only run when it is necessary. It, therefore, comes with a thermostat that regulates its operation to ensure it stops once your preset temperature range has been achieved. Of course, when it is too hot, you can expect your air conditioner to keep running for extended periods to keep your home comfortable. However, if you notice that your air conditioner does not stop at all, then there is a problem. The issue can occur due to improper thermostat settings. In such a situation, you could fix it by simply adjusting the thermostat setting. In other cases, the issue can occur due to a broken thermostat. In such a situation, you will need a professional air conditioning service to diagnose the issue and fix it accordingly. If your thermostat needs to be replaced, you can consider investing in a smart thermostat. A smart thermostat will give you more control over your HVAC system even when you are not home. For instance, if no one is at home during the day, a smart thermostat will enable you to use your phone to switch off your HVAC system and only switch it on a couple of hours before going home. This will go a long way in helping you save energy and even extend the life of your HVAC equipment.

Your Air Conditioner Breaks Down Frequently

Like any other electrical and mechanical appliance, you can expect your air conditioner to break down at some point. However, this does not mean that you should be calling your professional air conditioning service every few days or weeks. If you need to get your air conditioner repaired too frequently, then your air conditioner might be approaching the end of its life. In any case, an air conditioner is not designed to last forever, and it can only serve for about 10 to 15 years. Over the years, essential components of your air conditioning equipment will gradually wear away, and as the equipment approaches the end of its lifespan, it will naturally start demanding more frequent repairs. Unfortunately, air conditioner repairs can be quite costly, and therefore, if you need to make frequent calls to your air conditioning provider, running your air conditioner is going to be too expensive. As such, you need to talk to your air conditioner repair expert about the need to get your unit replaced before it can start causing trouble.

Your Power Bills Are Rising Exponentially

Your air conditioner is one of the most notable consumers of electricity in your house. The good news is that there are several steps you can deliberately take to keep your air conditioner’s energy consumption low. For instance, you need to ensure that your air conditioner gets an annual tune-up. You also need to ensure that any air conditioner inefficiencies are identified and addressed in their earliest stages of development. If you have been doing this, but your air conditioner’s power consumption seems to be going up, then you could be facing a major air conditioning failure. As such, you will need the attention of a professional air conditioning service to diagnose the underlying cause of the problem and advise you on the right steps to take to restore and even improve the efficiency of your air conditioning equipment and keep your power bills as low as possible.

Your Air Conditioners Is Too Noisy

Of course, your air conditioner does not necessarily run silently. However, if you have been using it for more than a few months, you most likely understand how it sounds under normal circumstances. One way of knowing that you could be facing an air conditioning failure is when your air conditioning equipment produces a sound that is not natural. Air conditioning noise can occur due to several issues. For instance, if the moving parts are not properly lubricated, you can expect your air conditioner to produce an unusual sound. A broken fan or bearing can also cause your air conditioner to get noisier. Whatever the cause of your air conditioner’s noise might be, you need to call a professional air conditioning service for accurate diagnosis and repairs.

Humidity Remains High

In addition to keeping the temperatures of your Arlington, TX home within a comfortable range, your air conditioner also helps with regulating humidity. As the air gets cooled, the water vapor in it condenses and the condensate gets drained through the air conditioner’s drainage system. If the air conditioner’s drainage system develops a clog, this water will back up, and it might leak and damage the air conditioner. With such a problem, the humidity in your house might remain high no matter how hard your air conditioner works. As such, if your home’s humidity remains too high, then there could be a serious air conditioning failure, and you need to get in touch with a reliable air conditioning service provider to help you diagnose the underlying cause of the problem and ensure that it is fixed accordingly.

Tips for Finding a Reliable Air Conditioning Service

Although there are many air conditioning services providers in and around Arlington, TX, finding a good one is not necessarily easy. This is because most people calling themselves professional HVAC experts lack what it takes to offer high-quality services and solve the most complex air conditioning issues decisively. Therefore, if you are shopping for an air conditioning repair service, you need to do your diligence to settle on the best HVAC company around. Below is a rundown of the tips you can count on as your shop for an air conditioning service provider.

Consider License and Insurance

Given the complexity and the sensitivity of air conditioners, the HVAC industry is strictly regulated. As such, only those qualified to offer air conditioning services are allowed to do so. Local authorities require air conditioning providers to be licensed and insured. Therefore, hiring an HVAC company that is not licensed and insured could lead to several problems. For instance, if you have some service warranties, hiring an unlicensed HVAC expert could effectively void your warranty. Similarly, air conditioning installation and repair jobs could cause some property damages, and therefore, if you hire an uninsured HVAC company, you will be forced to pay for property repairs from your pocket. As such, if an HVAC company is not properly insured and licensed, you should avoid hiring them.

Consider Experience

Installing, maintaining, and repairing an air conditioner is quite a technical job. Therefore, HVAC experts seem to get better at their work with experience. In any case, the more experienced an air conditioning service provider is, the more familiar they are with most air conditioning issues, meaning that picking an air conditioning service that has been in the industry for more than a few years will ensure that you have a person you can trust to help you deal with any air conditioning issue effectively and efficiently. On the other hand, if you settle for an inexperienced HVAC services provider, it might be quite difficult for them to solve some air conditioning issues.

Ask for Warranties

Air conditioning jobs can be quite costly. Therefore, you do not want to call an air conditioner repair service every few days or weeks over the same issue. As such, you need to ensure that you pick an HVAC company that will guarantee to do a quality job. In other words, your HVAC company should offer warranties for the jobs done. A warranty is a document through which a company expresses the confidence it has in the quality of its services and products. Hiring a company that offers warranties will go a long way in shielding you against the costs of poor workmanship.

Consider Availability

Your air conditioner can break down at any time. Therefore, you never know when you are going to need the attention of a professional air conditioning services provider. As such, you need to pick an HVAC company that is always willing to take your calls. In other words, a good air conditioning repair service should be willing to respond to your calls of distress at any time of the day or night. If you make the mistake of hiring an HVAC repair company that is not available 24/7, you might be forced to live in an uncomfortably hot house for many hours or several days, waiting for them to arrive and fix your air conditioning issue. Therefore, before you can settle for any air conditioning service provider, you need to ask them if they are always available for emergencies.

The Bottom Line

Overall, it is clear that if you live in Arlington, TX, having a properly functioning air conditioner is a necessity, given how hot the weather gets around here, particularly in summer. However, you need to know that your air conditioner can develop problems that can negatively affect its performance. Therefore, you need to understand how your air conditioner behaves and take note of any changes in behavior that might point to an air conditioning failure. You also need to prepare for the worst by staying in touch with a professional air conditioning services provider. If you are looking for a reliable air conditioning services provider in Arlington, Minuteman Heating & Air is an excellent HVAC company to consider. We have been providing air conditioning services for many years, and we are a household name in the city. Feel free to contact us today for more information about our company and the services we offer in Arlington, TX.