Furnace Installation


Can a Furnace Leak Carbon Monoxide When Turned Off in Grapevine, TX?

Homeowners in Grapevine, TX, know that a carbon monoxide leak is not a problem to treat with kid gloves. This highly toxic gas can lead to unconsciousness or death in cases of severe exposure. Most people watch out for a leak while using gas-burning appliances like the furnace. But what happens when the furnace isn’t […]

Why Is My Furnace Filter Black in Bedford, TX? 

A black furnace filter is concerning, but it’s a common problem in Bedford, Texas. This usually means your heating system needs attention — it’s not something you want to put off.  If you’re asking, “Why is my furnace filter black?” there are several straightforward causes we at Minuteman Heating & Air often see. As a […]

Top Reasons Why Your Furnace Circuit Board May Fail and How to Prevent It

Texas is known for its heat. According to U.S. News & World Report, it’s the #1 hottest state in America, with July 2023’s maximum hottest temperature resting at a scorching 98.8 degrees, especially in Fort Worth. However, people rarely talk about how these temperatures drop, with January lows dipping as low as the freezing point, […]