Common Problems Related to HVAC Units | Insight from Your Trusted Mansfield, TX Heating and Air Conditioning Service Provider


Common Problems Related to HVAC Units | Insight from Your Trusted Mansfield, TX Heating and Air Conditioning Service Provider

Photo By alexeys at istock

Most people have become used to having a reliable source of heating and cooling; however, there are still problems with HVAC units that can arise from time to time. When the air conditioning or heating units go out, this can lead to serious issues for a homeowner or office building. For this reason, it is critical for everyone to have a reliable heating and air conditioning service that can respond in a timely manner to address any issues that might arise. In Mansfield, TX, there are a few common issues that arise with HVAC units.

Improper Operation

One of the first issues that people need to look at is improper operation. Often, the first question people ask is why the temperature in their home or office isn’t changing. A reliable heating and air conditioning service is going to ask about issues related to the operation of the unit first. This is similar to asking someone if the computer is plugged in.

For example, the unit might be running fine; however, someone has left a window open. This means that valuable energy is simply leaking out of the building and into the external environment. There might also be a door open or there might be an improperly insulated portion of the home. In this case, the problem isn’t with the HVAC unit but with the building. These questions are addressed first to prevent someone from having to absorb an expensive repair bill unnecessarily.

Refrigerant Leak

If the problem is not related to operational issues in Mansfield, TX, the next item on the list is refrigerant that might be leaking. A professional heating and air conditioning service is going to take a look at the possibility of leaking refrigerant. If the unit is low on refrigerant, it might have been too long since the unit was last serviced. Or, the unit is leaking refrigerant somehow. A refrigerant leak is going to impact the ability of the HVAC unit to perform adequately. The performance and efficiency of any HVAC unit are always going to be highest when the refrigerant matches the specifications listed by the manufacturer. If there isn’t enough refrigerant to power the unit, the result is going to be a unit that isn’t able to function appropriately. Furthermore, if the unit is leaking refrigerant to the external world, this is going to be a serious environmental hazard.

Lack of Routine Maintenance

One of the most common reasons why a heating and air conditioning service is called to address issues with an HVAC unit in Mansfield, TX is a lack of routine maintenance. When someone invests in an HVAC unit, it is important to do everything possible to keep that system running properly. This comes in the form of routine maintenance.

Sadly, there are many people who try to save money by avoiding or skipping technician visits for maintenance reasons. The only thing this is going to lead to is an expensive repair bill down the road because the unit is not up to date.

There are a number of reasons why it is important for everyone to make sure to stay up to date on routine HVAC maintenance. First, a heating and air conditioning service will be able to check the filters. The filters are a common problem for inefficient HVAC units. When the filters get full, the unit is unable to operate at full capacity. This causes the unit to work harder, driving up utility costs.

In addition, a trained technician will take a look at the coils, compressors, and fans. A trained technician knows how to keep these critical parts functioning appropriately. This will prevent premature failures from taking place, which can save a lot of money. Nobody wants to replace the HVAC unit before they have to.

Drainage Issues

Another common issue that a heating and air conditioning service in Mansfield, TX can address is issues related to drainage. When the humidity rises during the summer months, this becomes an even bigger problem. The humidity can cause the drain of the HVAC unit to clog. When the drain clogs, the unit is not able to drain properly. This causes waste products to back up into the unit, slowing it down.

One of the ways to fix this problem is to make sure the unit is mounted in a level manner. If the unit is not mounted properly, it might not be able to drain. Sometimes, the drain simply needs to be cleaned out. A trained technician knows how to do this safely.

Problems with the Thermostat Sensor

One of the most common issues that might arise with an HVAC unit has to do with the sensor. A reliable heating and air conditioning service knows that the thermostat sensor, which is located behind the control panel, is responsible for measuring the temperature of the room. If the sensor is not functioning properly, the HVAC unit might think the temperature is higher or lower than it actually is.

If the HVAC unit is unable to tell whether or not the temperature is too hot or too cold, then the unit may start to turn on and off at the wrong time. This will cause the temperature in the room to feel off. To fix this problem, an efficient heating and air conditioning service will need to come out and assess the thermostat sensor. This sensor might need to be replaced.

Rely on Minuteman Heating and Air for HVAC Maintenance and Repair

When something goes wrong with the HVAC unit, it is important to rely on a professional heating and air conditioning service in Mansfield, TX. At Minuteman Heating and Air, we take a lot of pride in the professional services that we provide to all of our customers. Our technicians are trained to address all HVAC issues in a timely manner. To learn more about our heating and air conditioning service, please give us a call today! We look forward to helping you!