Effects Of High Internal Furnace Pressure According To Your Heating And AC Repair Technician | Crowley, TX


Effects Of High Internal Furnace Pressure According To Your Heating And AC Repair Technician | Crowley, TX

Every furnace features a safety mechanism called a furnace pressure switch responsible for monitoring the air pressure from the furnace fans. The furnace works by burning fuels, resulting in various byproducts that must be safely removed from your home. The fans or draft inducers pull the flue gases and the flame via the heat exchanger. If the flue pipe has a blockage, the internal furnace pressure will increase, tripping the furnace pressure switch. This should be inspected by a professional heating and AC repair technician before it results in other issues. There are many negative impacts of high internal furnace pressure, including:

Reduced Efficiency

High furnace pressure can cause the furnace to work harder and become less efficient. This is because high furnace pressure can interfere with the normal functioning of the furnace, making it difficult for the furnace to heat air properly. As a result, the furnace may not be able to produce as much heat as it usually would, which can lead to reduced efficiency.

You can prevent the occurrence of high furnace pressure by having a heating and AC repair technician come over for a routine inspection and maintenance of the furnace. This includes cleaning the flue pipe, removing debris in the heat exchanger, or cleaning the burners. This helps ensure that the furnace operates at the correct pressure and maintains its efficiency. Do you suspect that your furnace has high internal pressure? Immediately reach out to a certified heating and AC repair pro for assistance.

Increased Safety Risk

The most severe consequence of high internal furnace pressure is the increased risk of safety hazards. For instance, high furnace pressure may result in the furnace overheating, resulting in a fire. Furnace fires are dangerous as they don’t have visible flames or smoke. Hence, they are difficult to detect until it’s too late. High furnace pressure can also increase the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

The other safety risk of high internal furnace pressure is poor IAQ. This can cause discomfort and respiratory health issues for occupants of your Crowley, TX home. Routine maintenance is the only way to avert these problems. This helps ensure that the furnace operates at the correct pressure and can reduce the risk of safety hazards. The heating and AC repair technician will clean the exhaust pipes to ensure that the internal pressure is level. They will also reset the tripped furnace pressure switch.

High Energy Consumption

When a furnace operates at high pressure, it has to exert more force to generate heat and push air through the heating system. This means that the furnace has to work harder, and as a result, it consumes more energy and fuel. This can lead to higher energy bills and fuel costs for the homeowner. The reason for this increased energy consumption is that high furnace pressure can cause the furnace to become less efficient. Have you noticed an increase in your heating bills? You should have a heating and AC repair technician come for a further inspection and subsequent repair.

High internal furnace pressure also may cause the furnace to produce more waste heat, which is heat that is not used to warm the air but is lost to the surrounding environment. This heat can also contribute to higher energy consumption. The other way the furnace pressure will result in high energy use is through more fuel consumption. The unit has to burn more fuel to generate the same heat, leading to higher fuel costs. Hence, it is advised that you have a heating and AC repair technician come for routine furnace tune-ups to ensure that your unit operates at the recommended pressure.

Uneven Heating of Your Home

As explained above, high internal pressure may strain the furnace and use more energy to maintain the thermostat’s set temperature. This might result in hot and cold spots in your home, as the furnace may be unable to distribute the heat evenly throughout the space. This can pose a problem for homes with large, open floor plans or multiple levels. Also, high internal pressure in your unit will lower its efficiency. This will result in the furnace using more fuel to produce the same heat.

As a result, you will start noticing hot and cold spots in your home, as the furnace may not produce enough heat to warm the entire space adequately. This can also be problematic, especially for those homes with high ceilings or large windows, as these features can make it more difficult for the furnace to heat the space effectively. Have you noticed there are colder or warmer spots at your Crowley, TX home? Having a heating and AC repair technician inspect your furnace for any underlying issues would be best. If the issue is the high furnace pressure, they will take the required measures to rectify it.

Increased Wear and Tear

When a furnace operates at high pressure, the mechanical components that make up the furnace, such as the blower motor, the burners, and the heat exchanger, have to work harder to generate heat. This increased workload can lead to excessive wear and tear on these components. As a result, their service life reduces, making them more likely to fail or break down before the set time.

You might have to call a heating and AC repair pro to replace the furnace prematurely. Otherwise, the frequent breakdowns will end up costing you more in repairs. Further, high furnace pressure can cause components to become misaligned or suffer from mechanical damage, contributing to wear.

Have you noticed that your furnace keeps on tripping the pressure switch? Immediately call us at Minuteman Heating & Air, your reliable heating and AC repair company in Crowley, TX. We have certified technicians who can inspect and diagnose the problem, repair it, and get your furnace back up and running in no time. Call us now for a free quote.

Photo By geotrac at istock