High AC Static Pressure Issues That Need An Air Conditioner Repair Technician’s Attention | Weatherford, TX

High AC Static Pressure Issues That Need An Air Conditioner Repair Technician’s Attention | Weatherford, TX

High AC Static Pressure Issues That Need An Air Conditioner Repair Technician’s Attention | Weatherford, TX

High static pressure is a common problem in many heating and air conditioning systems. But what is it? Static pressure refers to the resistance to airflow in the air conditioning system’s air ducts. It can be caused by many issues, such as dirty air ducts, poor air duct design, clogged filters, and when dumpers in zoned HVAC systems get stuck in the closed position. These are problems that a routine air conditioning service by a reliable air conditioner repair technician could help you avert. When the static pressure gets too high, It could severely damage your air conditioning system. Additionally, static pressure can also have a profound bearing on the comfort of your home. So, how does high static pressure affect you and your HVAC system?

Reduced Airflow

As mentioned in the introduction, static pressure is the resistance to the flow of conditioned air in your HVAC system. One of the causes of high static pressure is dirty air ducts. When the ductworks are dirty, they become narrow. This reduces the space available for the air to flow from your air conditioner and into your home. Additionally, clogged air filters can also bring about reduced airflow issues in your air ducts.

This is why a duct cleaning service by a reliable air conditioner repair pro is recommended. Since static pressure is the resistance to airflow, your reduced airflow shouldn’t be a surprise. This means your home will not be as comfortable as you want. Additionally, the HVAC system will work hard to blow enough air to reach the thermostat’s set temperatures. As a result, it will be exposed to wear and tear, prompting you to pay an air conditioner repair technician.

Increased Energy Consumption

The heating and air conditioning system must work harder to reach the thermostat-set temperatures whenever airflow is restricted. It is this increased workload that raises energy consumption and costs. For instance, if the heating and air conditioning system has been designed to blow a certain amount of air, but the high static pressure prevents the entire air flow, your HVAC system will strain to compensate for the difference. Unfortunately, this increases the energy costs for your home heating or cooling. The overall efficiency of the HVAC system takes a toll. This results in an increase in your monthly energy utility bills. Hence, ensure that your trusted air conditioner repair pro measures the static pressure levels in your air ducts when they come for a maintenance visit.

Decreased Efficiency

The other impact of high static pressure in your air ducts is that it reduces the efficiency of the entire HVAC system. This happens in several ways. As mentioned above, your system will have to work hard if it has a static pressure issue. This is because it will be trying to reach the desired temperatures. This additional strain might damage components, such as the compressor and blower. If these components break down, your system will not run as efficiently, and you’ll need an air conditioner repair.

Damaged Equipment

An HVAC system experiencing high static pressure will strain to cool your home. For the umpteenth time, this will put a considerable strain on the different components of the heating and air conditioning system. Unfortunately, it is this additional stress that results in failures and breakdowns. For instance, high static pressure will make the blower fans of your air conditioner work harder, making them wear out quickly and prematurely fail. This will result in a blower motor blow-out, meaning that you’ll have to call an air conditioner repair technician for a repair. This is an issue that a routine air conditioning service could prevent.

The compressor is another component of your air conditioner that suffers the toll of high static pressure. When too low airflow is caused by high or low static pressure, the HVAC system could send the refrigerant in liquid form into the compressor rather than in gaseous form. This will damage the compressor over time or even shorten its lifespan. The reduced airflow means the compressor has to work harder to ensure that your home is heated or cooled up to the thermostat temperatures. Therefore, if you suspect you are dealing with a high static pressure problem, enlist a professional air conditioner repair technician’s assistance in inspecting and solving the problem.

Unbalanced Air Distribution

Have you noticed that some areas of your home are cooled or heated better than others? Are there cold and hot spots at your home? That could be caused by high static pressure. Unfortunately, this can affect your comfort and make it hard to maintain consistent temperatures throughout your home. Unbalanced air distribution can also result in increased energy consumption and costs. This is because the HVAC system has to work harder to maintain the desired temperature in areas where the air is not flowing freely. To prevent this, have an air conditioner repair technician measure the static pressure and resolve it if high.

Increased Noise

Because the components of the air conditioner will struggle to maintain the required airflow, you might hear loud mechanical sounds and air rushing. You even might hear some whistling sounds in your air ducts as the air forces its way past the static pressure regions. When the mechanical components of your HVAC system, such as the blower, run at maximum speed to accommodate the deficiencies, they will produce loud sounds that could sometimes be deafening. Such can particularly be a problem in environments that require silent operations, such as hospitals, schools, and offices. If you love a quiet environment, ensure that an air conditioner repair technician inspects your HVAC system.

Did you know you can avoid high static pressure and other HVAC issues by following a detailed maintenance plan? Yes, you can. Contact us at Minuteman Heating & Air if you need any HVAC repair, installation, or maintenance.

See our previous blog about this topic here.

Photo By Maudib at istock