How to Maintain Your Heating and AC in Arlington and Fort Worth Area


How to Maintain Your Heating and AC in Arlington and Fort Worth Area

Maintaining your heating and AC unit can be such a relief in the long run. The more regularly you maintain your air conditioning unit, the longer it will last you and the lesser the need to pay for professional heating and AC repair in Arlington and Fort Worth area. The importance of your air conditioner hits you when summer comes around and your house is as hot as oven.

Here are some tips on how you can maintain your AC unit and if you think you need heating and AC repair in Arlington and Fort Worth area.

Simple Tips for Maintaining Your Heating and AC Unit

Maintenance of your AC unit may seem like a waste of time because you are busy and don’t have the time to do these small thing. But to save yourself from a costly heating and AC repair in Arlington and Fort Worth area, it’s better to maintain your AC unit so that you don’t have to go through all those costly burdens later if your system fails one day. So, here are some simple tips on how you can maintain your heating and AC unit at home and avoid the costs of heating and AC repair in Arlington and Fort Worth area.

  • Start Off By Changing Your Filter: If you regularly change your filter, you will always have a smooth running air conditioning unit. Changing your AC filter at least once a month is mandatory for keeping it clean and dust free. When your AC filter is clogged with dust particles and dirt, that’s when your air conditioner has to use its extra efforts to give out cool air, when in fact the air is being blocked with all the dust and dirt. Changing your filters regularly is not an expensive cost and it is an easy thing to do at home. Your utility bills will also be lower and it will extend the life of your air conditioning unit. This way you will not need to call in for heating and AC repair in Arlington and Fort Worth area.
  • You Need To Keep Your Coils Clean: Not only do you need to maintain the indoor part of your AC unit, but you also have to keep your outside part of your AC unit maintained too. Keeping your coils clean is extremely important. The coils and fins are on the outside part of your AC unit and should be regularly clean from all the dirt and dust that gathers form pollution outside. Once the coils and fins fill up with dirt and debris or leaves, this makes it more difficult for your air conditioning unit to work properly. You can easily clean your coils and fins with a garden hose and a broom or a brush. Housekeeping is also necessary in order to keep your outside area clean too and this will help in keeping your unit away from heating and AC repair in Arlington and Fort Worth area.
  • Keep Those Plants Trimmed Near Your Unit: A lot of people don’t like the look of the air conditioning unit hanging out from their walls around their house, so they try to hide with some bushes and plants, but they don’t realize that the dirt, dust and leaves form these plants grow out and get sucked into the coils and fins of the air conditioning unit, leaving it clogged up with dirt. To avoid heating and AC repair in Arlington and Fort Worth area, you should regularly keep your plants trimmed to such an extent that it does not touch or go inside the air conditioning unit.
  • Make Sure That Your Dryer Vent Is Not Facing Anywhere Near Your Air Conditioning Unit: People who have dryer vents should keep them away from air conditioning units otherwise hair particles, fluff or fur particles all get trapped inside the vents and stops the AC from cooling and airflow. So, aim the dryer vents somewhere far away from the air conditioning units.
  • Your Thermostats Should Always Be Adjusted When You Are Out Of The House: If you and your family are out of the house for long hours during the day, you should make sure that your air conditioning unit has an adjusted thermostat to a much higher temperature when you are out of the house. This lessens the time that your air conditioning unit has to work every day and it will increase the life of your unit too. You can also simply just turn off the air conditioning unit every time you leave the house when nobody is home. This will also lower your utility bills each month. Some new types of thermostats let you pre program to your schedule so that the house gets cool when you are about to get home. By adjusting your thermostat you will also increase your air conditioning unit’s life and you will avoid the hassle of getting heating and AC repair in Arlington and Fort Worth area.
  • You Should Check The Ducts And Seal Any Open Spaces You Find: When your air conditioning unit is turned on, make sure you keep all your doors and windows closed and sealed to ensure that your house or room is getting cooler. The more you seal open spaces, the cooler your house will get because your air conditioning won’t have to work so hard to get your house into a cooler condition. The more careful you are, the less heating and AC repair in Arlington and Fort Worth area you will have to do.
  • You Should Always Schedule An Annual Tune Up With An HVAC Professional Worker On A Regular Basis: When you call in a professional HVAC technician they will be able to tell you if you need any kind of heating and AC repair in Arlington and Fort Worth area. Maintaining your system is what is important and if your system may need some small repairs, you should get it checked by a professional before the matter gets worse. A tune up will consist of tests that the professional will do to ensure that your air conditioning unit is functioning properly and it is cooling your home.