Signs That You Should Have A Heating And AC Repair Technician Come To Clean the Furnace Flue | Arlington, TX

Signs That You Should Have A Heating And AC Repair Technician Come To Clean the Furnace Flue | Arlington, TX

Signs That You Should Have A Heating And AC Repair Technician Come To Clean the Furnace Flue | Arlington, TX

When running a heating cycle, a furnace might produce carbon monoxide gas and other fumes that should be safely directed away from your home. If the gases and fumes aren’t ventilated properly, they may back up into your Arlington, TX home, which could result in several issues. A heating and AC repair technician should clean the flue pipe and ensure proper airflow. So, why is it important to clean the furnace flue pipe when the technician comes for a maintenance visit?

What’s a Furnace Exhaust Ventilation or Flue?

To begin with, only the gas furnaces will need a flue. This is because electrical furnaces don’t use a fuel source that produces gases and fumes. With that in mind, you might know what a furnace flue or ventilation is. It is a venting system that runs from your furnace or heating system to outside or your home’s chimney if there’s one. If your home doesn’t have a chimney where the furnace flue might tap into, a heating and AC repair technician will build a haft to feed the ventilation up to your roof.

In some instances, the flue pipe usually has a protective screen or cover to help protect it from pets, debris, and birds that could block the vent. Although several measures are taken to prevent the obstruction of the flue, blockages may still arise. You should always ensure that a heating and AC repair technician cleans the furnace flue when they come for a maintenance visit. Remember, if the toxic gases aren’t expelled outdoors, they could leave devastating consequences for your family members.

Is a Blocked Furnace Flue Dangerous?

The furnace flue is where the exhaust and toxic gases are expelled from your Arlington, TX home. Hence, it should be cleared by a heating and AC repair technician and cleaned to ensure these gases flow out. But what are the dangers of a blocked furnace flue? Although you can take several steps to ensure that the flue doesn’t become blocked, it still can happen and does.

When the furnace flue is clogged, the gases and fumes will begin to accumulate, which will cause the pressure to rise. As a result, the gases and fumes will have to be expelled in another manner. These carbon monoxide gases and other fumes can begin to build up within the residence if there are only a few minor cracks or holes, none of which is large enough to allow the gases to leave the building.

Carbon monoxide gas has no smell or taste and cannot be detected by the human senses. Because of this, you can only tell whether you are exposed to carbon monoxide poisoning once signs start showing. Because of the possible risks posed by a blocked flue, it is essential to ensure that the flue or vent is always clean to guarantee that the gases and pollutants are securely vented away from the area. This can only be assured by having a heating and AC repair technician come over for a maintenance service.

What Are Signs That the Furnace Flue Is Clogged?

The furnace flue may become clogged by different factors, including birds’ nests. The other reason why the flue may be clogged is because of scales. The scales form whenever fumes and gases from the furnace mix with moisture. Whenever the flue becomes clogged, it can provide some clues. Below are the three main signs that the furnace flue is clogged and it is time to have a heating and AC repair technician clean them:

Water Streaking on the Furnace Wall

If you observe water dripping down furnace walls, this could be a sign that the furnace’s flue is obstructed in some way. When the flue of a furnace is blocked by debris, air will not circulate as it should, which results in condensation forming inside the appliance. In addition, the combustion process produces water, which escapes the chimney in water vapor form. Have you noticed such from your furnace? Have it inspected by a heating and AC repair technician and thoroughly cleaned to remove any obstructions.

Yellow Flame

Whenever you turn on the furnace, ensure that you check the color of the flame produced. Usually, the color of the flame is produced by the furnace when it is burning normally. A change in color to yellow from blue means incomplete combustion. This incomplete combustion causes the production of gases like carbon monoxide. The furnace flue is responsible for venting out carbon monoxide and other gaseous remains from the furnace.

Excessive Soot

If you notice excessive soot surrounding the furnace flue, that is a surefire sign that the flue is clogged and requires the attention of a heating and AC repair technician. This could be a sign of inefficiency that requires you to schedule maintenance. The combustion of natural gases in the furnace results in the formation of heat and byproducts, particularly carbon monoxide. The byproducts are expelled from your Arlington, TX home via the furnace flue. However, if the flue becomes clogged, the byproducts are trapped inside the furnace, producing excessive soot.

What Causes a Blockage of the Flue Pipe?

As explained above, a blockage of the flue pipe is potentially dangerous, and you should spare no effort in ensuring this doesn’t happen. But what makes the flue pipe clogged? Damaged vents, snow-blocking vents, and a buildup of soot in the vents and leaves or branches in the brushes are among the well-known causes. Birds and rodents building nests in the flue is another huge reason for blockages in the vents. Regardless, you should have a heating and AC repair technician come over for maintenance, which includes cleaning the flue.

Do you need a furnace maintenance service? Contact us at Minuteman Heating & Air for a reliable, responsible furnace tune-up to ensure that your home is heated properly.

See our previous blog post here!

Photo By RichLegg at istock