Simple Ways for Air Conditioning Service in Arlington and Fort Worth Area


Simple Ways for Air Conditioning Service in Arlington and Fort Worth Area

Having an air conditioner during the peak of summer is a blessing in disguise. It is unbearable to survive without some kind of cooling system when summer comes around, which is why it’s always a good idea to get your air conditioning in a functional condition before summer begins to avoid any troubles that could arise later.

Instead of always having to get a professional to do your air conditioning service in Arlington and Fort Worth area, there are some simple things you can do to clean and maintain your air conditioning and get it serviced without having to always spend money on it.

Things You Will Need For Air Conditioning Service in Arlington and Fort Worth Area

Here are just a few things that you may need before you start your servicing your air conditioner. You may have some of these things lying around your house and if not, they are easy to find and affordable too.

  • A dust brush
  • A screwdriver
  • A fin comb
  • A garden hose
  • A fan motor oil (specifically made for the type of air conditioner you have)
  • A hex head nut driver
  • A towel
  • A cup of some kind of cleaning product (your air conditioner manual may suggest you one or you can ask a professional which one would work for your maintenance)
  • An air filter

Simple Steps for Air Conditioning Service in Arlington and Fort Worth Area

  • To start off with your air conditioning service in Arlington and Fort Worth area, you should clean out your condenser by firstly turning the power off and waiting for the system to cool down. You can turn off this power from the outdoor shutoff. If you can’t figure it out, just turn off the air conditioning power from the electrical switch.
  • It would be a good idea to test your air conditioning when it’s at least 60 degrees outside so that you are able to tell if your air conditioning is working or not. You will have to clean out your condenser fins which are basically metallic edges that are surrounding the condenser unit. They are usually covered in dirt and dust because the central fan is constantly sucking in all the pollution and dirt in, which in turn blocks the airflow and that’s why your air conditioning results in no cooling.
  • Make sure you vacuum the condenser units fins with some kind of soft material or brush because they are very delicate and can be easily broken or bent. After you have cleaned the fins, you can check the fan motor to see if it requires any lubricating. Sometimes the fan motors are sealed and cannot be lubricated. In case yours isn’t sealed, you can add in around 4 to 5 drops of electric motor oil to give it some moisture.If your air conditioner is old, it might have some kind of belt compressor which also requires lubrication, so you can add a few drops there too. If your air conditioner is completely new, you won’t need any kind of lubrication and can skip this step entirely.
  • The next step to air conditioning service in Arlington and Fort Worth area is to restart the condenser unit outside. You need to make sure that your air conditioning is now cooling properly. In order to do this, you need to turn the power back on and set your thermostat to cool so that the compressor turns on. Wait for at least 10 to 15 minutes before you feel the insulated tube and it should feel cold and not warm. The tube that is not insulated should feel warm.
  • You will then need to recharge or recycle your refrigerant. If you know how to do this, you will save you a lot of money, but if you aren’t too sure then it’s advised that you call a professional to do this job because if any harmful gases are leaked out into the environment and atmosphere, it could be unsafe for everyone’s health.
  • You will also have to clean out the air ducts that gather up a lot of dirt and dust over the months. You can easily do this with a vacuum cleaner or a soft dust brush.
  • The air filters are the most important part of your air conditioning because if your air filters are completely blocked by dust and debris, then there will be no airflow resulting in no cool air coming from you air conditioning. You will need to regularly change your filters on a monthly basis or at least yearly basis if you want your air conditioning to cool properly.
  • To really complete your air conditioning service in Arlington and Fort Worth area, you will have to clean out the air conditioners evaporator coils. This is on top of the furnace. You need to dig down inside the coils and clean out whatever dirt, dust and debris is formed up in there and open up the blockage for air to pass through the filter. You need to be extra careful not to break the fins. If you are unsure how to do this or you think you might break the fins, then it would be a good idea to call a professional electrician for help.

So there you have it, now you understand how air conditioning service in Arlington and Fort Worth area is done and how you can easily fix a few things using the tools which you already have at home. This will save you on a lot of costs.
