As we are facing record breaking snow and winter everywhere, our HVAC systems are struggling to keep up. While this is the just the season for our heating system to kick in and provide us the warmth we paid for, it’s failing miserably.
Being the provider of heating and AC repair in Arlington, TX, we receive most calls during this time of the year. The reason why the HVAC system is unable to keep up with the dropping temperature is because it wasn’t prepared to do so.
While it is highly recommended to call for a scheduled check-up and find out if there is a need for heating and AC repair in Arlington, TX, most people don’t. It isn’t always the top-of-the-mind task and we all tend to ignore it.
However, what we do strongly recommend is having your HVAC systems checked before the first cold wind blow in your direction. A professional provider of heating and AC repair in Arlington, TX would not only check for repairs, but would also winterize yourHVAC system and get you all set up for the onslaught of frost and chill.
Still not sure how that could happen? Allow us to share with you all the reasons why preparing your HVAC system for the winters is important:
· Outdoor Unit
Your outdoor unit might seem okay from the outside, but you might not be aware of all the havoc that is happening within the system. Outdoor units are placed outside. All the leaves, branches, debris, and dust make it way to the outdoor unit. Even dead animals and pests are often found inside the system. All this random litter ends up clogging the system and preventing it from ventilating properly.
When the snow hits, even more grime makes its way towards the unit and eventually it gives out. We suggest that you call the providers of heating and AC repair in Arlington, TX before the winters, or even in its midst if you fear the worse.
· Filters
Most people go on for years without changing the filters, or getting it cleaned. As a result they face frequent hiccups in the HVAC system. Even if the HVAC system keeps on working just fine, there’s still the fact to consider that the filter is no longer filtering anything. A clogged filter lets every dust and debris pass though and as a result, we inhale dusty air.
Something as simple as not getting the filters changed can lead to serious health problems, especially in the winters when we spend most of our times indoors.
· Thermostat
You might need to upgrade your thermostat if you still use the old one with the mercury. The older models of thermostat are extremely inaccurate and might provide you more or lesser heat than you set it to.
If you still have this thermostat, call your trusted providers of heating and AC repair in Arlington, TX and have them install a digital one for you. This digital programmable thermostat will make your life easier and will provide you with just the temperature you want without having you set it up again and again. Also, they’ll save you loads on the energy bill.
· Insulation
One of the most important aspects of preparing the house for the winters is by making sure the house is properly insulated. It is one of the best ways to keep the warm air inside and the cold air outside. This keeps the HVAC system working efficiently and keeps us from the worries of calling for heating and AC repair in Arlington, TX every other day.
Insulation includes making sure the house is properly sealed. Windows and doors usually end up letting the warm air escape and allowing the cold air to enter the house. Pipes should also be insulated to prevent them from freezing and bursting.
· Vents and Ducts
When vents and ducts go without being cleaned for a long time, they end up housing huge amount of dust bunnies, dirt, and all kinds of grime. By the time winters roll around at the end of the year, the vents and ducts hardly have any space to let the air flow easily. It’s far better to schedule a checkup by the providers of heating and AC repair in Arlington, TX prior to the winter months for the smooth functioning of the HVAC system.
What to expect?
Once the providers of heating and AC repair in Arlington, TX will winterize your HVAC system, you’ll experience a smooth functioning system throughoutuntil the season’s end. There will also be reduced loss of energy and your bill will never surpass your expectations.
The warm air in your house would be cleaner and free of dust; it will prevent the people in the house from falling sick, and developing allergies. In addition to all this, a regular check-up of the system will not only make your winter comfortable, but ever other season, and will last for a long time.
Is your HVAC system working just fine, or are there signs that it might be in need of heating and AC repair in Arlington, TX? If you think your HVAC system is hiccupping because of the extreme bite in the air, give us a call at Minuteman Heating and Air and we’ll come to the rescue.
Just a warning, if you haven’t had your HVAC system serviced since ages, now is the best time. Don’t wait until later to call for heating and AC repair in Arlington, TX. Your timely decision can save you and your family from catching a bad cold.