The Perks of Quality Indoor Air | Heating and Air Conditioning Service in Arlington, TX


The Perks of Quality Indoor Air | Heating and Air Conditioning Service in Arlington, TX

All of us have different heating and cooling systems installed in our houses. They not only help us in keeping the temperature well-maintained and comfortable but most of these HVAC units also help in keeping the indoor air pollutants free.

If you have an air conditioner installed in your home then you must have heard about air filters. Air filters help in keeping your indoor air, pollutant-free and provide quality air to breath. If you belong to a family where any of your family members suffers from asthma or allergies, a poor indoor air quality can be quite a stressful situation to deal with.

So how about providing your family with good air quality to avoid the risk of asthma or similar respiratory issues?

Considering the fact that an individual spends around 90% of their time inside the house, it is imperative that the indoor air should be healthy and clean. Do you know what actually pollutes the indoor air? Well, there are numerous factors that may contribute to polluting the indoor air quality. There is a variety of contributing factors, and for some of them, we are ourselves responsible such as indoor smoking or mold or mildew.

As per the experts of heating and air conditioning service in Arlington, TX, not many homeowners take preventive measures to maintain their indoor air quality. Some of the other factors that lead to poor indoor quality may include the air quality of your surroundings, the efficiency of your HVAC system along with ductwork, mold infestation or pet ownership. All of them compromise the quality air in your house.

However, when you hire the professionals of heating and air conditioning service in Arlington, TX, they provide you with great solutions while removing the root cause. They also help you in keeping the indoor air clean while increasing the ventilation in your house. The professionals thoroughly assess your house and recommend proper treatment that works for a longer duration.

So how would you know if the indoor quality in your house is not up to the mark? Well, the professionals of heating and air conditioning service in Arlington, TX, suggest that there are many signs indicative of polluted or infected indoor air. Among them;

  • Signs of mildew or mold inside the house
  • Water leak in the walls, ceilings or plumbing
  • Leakage of gas appliances and other similar problems
  • High humidity in the house or condensation on windows
  • Poor ventilation along with stuffy air quality
  • Pet contamination: dander, hair and tracked in pollutants
  • Carpeting contamination/ dust mites
  • Feeling sick inside the home but better when you go out
  • Chimney damage
  • The concentration of VOCs – volatile organic compounds
  • Change in health after remodeling

During the holiday season, the creature may not be a string but there are many pollutants that remain floating in the indoor air. In fact, there could be dozens of toxins that may be affecting the health, including mold spores and pervasive mold. Here are some of the most common pollutants.

  • Secondhand smoke
  • Radon
  • Asbestos
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Formaldehyde
  • Molds and dust
  • Nitrogen dioxide
  • Dander and pet hair
  • Lead particles and lead
  • Roaches and rodents


If you think your house is affected with radon, get your home inspected and ensure your house is not contaminated. Also contact the relevant authorities for cleaning if you find your house infected with it.

Tobacco Smoke

The best way to avoid getting your house air polluted with tobacco smoke is to avoid indoor smoking. For this, you may also need to instruct others to avoid smoking inside the house and to smoke outdoors.

Biological Contaminates

According to professionals of heating and air conditioning service in Arlington, TX, this may include dander, pollen, mold, and others. The best preventive measure for biological contaminations is to avoid the growth of it. Avoid water leaks and keeping indoor areas damp. You should also take professional assistance and get your house inspected for biological contaminants. Otherwise, they can be really harmful to your respiratory tract.

Chimneys, Heaters, Stoves, and Fireplaces

To avoid this kind of pollution, use exhaust fans where there are stoves. Also, keep your burners properly adjusted. As per the experts of heating and air conditioning service in Arlington, TX, always have your heating system, stoves and chimneys inspected for any possible damage. In the case of damage, try to get it repaired immediately.


In this case, watch out for methylene chloride, benzene, and perchloroethylene. Make sure you dispose of the old cans of paints and other similar household products if you don’t need them anymore. The experts of heating and air conditioning service in Arlington, TX, suggest that homeowners must always buy these in limited quantities and heed warning labels.


Not many homeowners understand the dangers of asbestos and how harmful it can be for your respiratory tract. Asbestos can have severe damage to your lungs and respiratory track hence you must make sure your house is not affected by this. If you think that you have asbestos deposits in your house, always hire a professional and get your house inspected.

The bottom line

Keeping the indoor air quality well maintained should be your first priority as this can be really damaging to your as well as your family’s health. Make sure your house indoor environment is free from allergens and pollutants.

All of the above-discussed allergens are most commonly found in a household and to keep your house free from these infectious pollutants you must take the astatine of professionals. With that, it is also important to keep your HVAC system well maintained at all times. Your HVAC system contains air filters that help in maintaining good indoor air quality.

Make sure you keep the air filters clean. The experts of heating and air conditioning service in Arlington, TX, suggest to clean the air filters every month and to replace every three months to ensure their efficient workings.

However, if you are looking for professionals in Arlington, TX then head over to Minuteman Heating and AC right away!