Tips to Keep Your Home Warm and Ventilated This Winter | Insight from Your Trusted Arlington, TX Heating and Air Conditioning Repair Service Provider


Tips to Keep Your Home Warm and Ventilated This Winter | Insight from Your Trusted Arlington, TX Heating and Air Conditioning Repair Service Provider

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In Arlington, TX, when temperatures start dropping outside, heating and air conditioning repair becomes top priority. Not only can it be a struggle to keep warm air in and cold air out. But often air quality and flow decreases, with the increase of closed doors and HVAC systems working on blast. Undiscovered leaks pose the biggest threat in winter home protection. Air leaks account for over a quarter of heat loss, creating problems not only in comfort but financially as well. However, you can practice cold-draft prevention with these heating efficiency tips and proper heating and air conditioning repair.

Fill in Gaps from the Outside

One effective way to keep your home sealed is have all visible gaps and cracks repaired. A professional heating and air conditioning repair technician can take a walk around your home and note any visible openings that may need later repair. Your heating and air condition repair technician may use a foam sealant or high-quality caulk to protect your home’s exterior from unwanted air flow. Another tip is to fill in gaps on the inside as well. Simply notice any spots inside your home where you can see the sun shining through. If the sun can get in, so can the cold.

Check Weather Stripping and Depressurize

Drafty windows and doors make it very hard to keep the interior of your home warm during the winter. The first line of defense is to have a heating and air conditioning repair professional check all your doors and windows and replace any worn out weather strips. Next, they will investigate if there are any undetected drafts around your home. To detect drafts around windows and doors, a heating and air conditioning repair technician will first turn off your HVAC systems and fans to depressurize your home. Then they will go to each exterior opening ad determine if there are any leaks that need to be repaired.

Ensure You are Fully Insulated from Top to Bottom

A heating and air conditioning repair person will check your attic first to ensure it is insulated properly. An appropriately insulated attic will prevent all warm air from escaping upwards. Wall thickness and window age are key factors in how insulated your home is against outside elements. After a thorough inspection, professional technicians can assess your home for any possible air leakage and come up with a long-term solution for going forward.

By attending to heating and air conditioning repair upfront correctly the first time, you will save yourself worry and aggravation down the road. Heating and air conditioning repair and prevention prove to also be more cost-effective and energy efficient in the long run. As technology and regulations evolve, energy efficiency will become more and more important. Think about contacting a company that specializes in heating and air conditioning repair to guarantee that everything is in the best working order.

Proper insulation not only reduces energy waste but it saves the life of your heating and cooling systems. On average, heating and cooling costs can account for up to 70% of energy usage in Arlington, TX and the rest of the United States. That means that a poorly insulated house can costs the average Americans tons of extra money. By properly air sealing and insulating your home, you can save over 10% (about $780 a tear) on total energy costs, according to the EPA.

Quality Air Flow

Another downside to the cold is proper ventilation and air flow. That is because most of us close off our homes to prevent cold-air drafts. However, this limits healthy airflow and lowers your home’s air quality. The best defense is a balanced ventilation system. When working correctly, a ventilation exchanges the air outside your home with the air within, creating a natural flow. A professional technician can install a quality system that keeps your home’s air healthy and fresh.

Making sure your home’s ventilation system is clean and working properly can have a huge effect on your overall air quality and safety. A faulty system can release harmful toxic gas into the air, like carbon monoxide. As well, if your ducts are dusty or clogged, an uneven air flow can lead to poor air quality. This is an easy fix, by having an experienced technician inspect your air ducts and regularly change air filters. Don’t wait until your system breaks down to have it inspected.

Using Fans Correctly

Kitchen and bathroom fans do a good job circulating air flow. A well-designed fan, especially in the bathroom can also help reduce moisture in the air. Reducing moisture is the best defense against dust, mildew and mold accumulation. Kitchen fans can also help regulate smoke fumes and unwanted odors. Consider adding fans in area of your home that needs added air flow, including indoor pools, saunas and greenhouses.

Another small change that can make a world of difference is changing the directions of your fans each season. By changing the direction of your fan blades you begin to help the navigation of air flow. A simple change in direction helps to push the warm air down and pull the cold air up. A bonus in both the winter and summer months.

Keep Windows Open Slightly

While we are certainly not advocating that you keep your windows open wide all winter, we do suggest keeping them open a crack on milder days. There is no fresher air than the air outside your door. By keeping your windows open just a bit, you will help prevent stale air from accumulating and spreading throughout your home. Make sure to never leave windows open for too long, a few hours should be sufficient. Otherwise, cold-air will accumulate and force your heating system to work over-time.

When your home is accurately protected, no change in season, no matter how drastic will affect your comfort level. When your home its appropriately sealed and ventilated, your home stays warmer, your air quality increases and your energy bill decrease. For more information and a customized consultation, contact Minuteman Heating and Air. We are the most reliable source for heating and air conditioning repair in Arlington, TX.