The first thing homeowners must know is that not all air conditioning repair services in Arlington, TX are the same. If you’re in need of hiring one then get ready to do extensive research. It’s not easy to find a qualified and reliable service that can take care of your air conditioner repairs in Arlington, TX.
Given that there is a chance you might stumble upon a fake air conditioning service in Arlington, TX, it doesn’t mean that all air conditioning repair services are bad. It’s just that you need to know a few tips to ensure whether the service you’re hiring is up for the task or not. And this is what this article is about. We’ll discuss a few unique tips that’ll make the whole process of finding a reliable service for air conditioner repairs in Arlington, TX easy and simple.
Here are six amazing tips that will keep you from hiring a fake air conditioning service in Arlington, TX and will make your air conditioner work efficiently for a long time.
1- Steer Clear of the Services That Give an Estimate Over the Phone
Just like no two cars are the same, no two AC units are the same. That’s why there’s no way how an air conditioning service in Arlington, TX will be able to give an estimate over a phone call without even looking at the unit. There are a number of things which a contractor cannot see over the phone – the ductwork, the insulation, the windows, and many other things. Thus, you need to stay away from all those contractors that don’t even bother looking at your air conditioner and just give you an estimate, which of course, is not accurate and will go through a number of revisions.
So what do you insinuate about the repair services that give you bid over the phone? They are either inexperienced or just trying to rope another customer without bothering to visit the premises and checking their AC unit.
2- Don’t Settle for a Service That Replaces Your AC Unit with the Same Kind
The air conditioner installed at your place will last around 10 to 15 years. Not more than that. There are chances you might have to replace your air conditioner sooner than that, but 10 to 15 years is the average life of an air conditioner. During all these years new models come out that are better and more advanced than the ones that were available a few years back. A good and reputable air conditioning service in Arlington, TX will know the variety available and will recommend you the latest one that will update your house.
On the other hand, you might come across a few air conditioning services in Arlington, TX that will suggest you replace your air conditioner with the same model due to any reason. These are the contractors you need to stay away from at all costs. They might try to sell you their own inventory.
3- Experience Matters, but Not Always!
You must have read it at so many places that experience is an important thing when it comes to choosing a contractor for air conditioner repairs in Arlington, TX. It’s true, but the experience is not everything. You need to be careful of those HVAC contractors who say they’ve been providing a quality service for 20 years. They could be faking their experience. If contractors brag their experience, saying they’ve been doing things the same way for the last 20 years, it means they don’t have any knowledge about the fast changing technology.
When hiring a contractor for air conditioner repairs in Arlington, TX, make sure you choose the one who is well-versed with all the latest HVAC technology that is more efficient and cuts energy costs significantly.
4- Don’t Ever Forget to Check the License
Beware of those contractors who say they are licensed but are actually working under the radar. As it turns out, an air conditioner is something you don’t purchase every other day. Thus, you need to make sure the contractor you hire for air conditioner repairs in Arlington, TX is actually licensed so that the job is done professionally without incurring any further damage to the unit. You don’t want a contractor who’s into disposing refrigerant irresponsibly or closing your gas line.
You can see if an HVAC contractor is licensed or not on its website. All licensed HVAC contractors are supposed to mention their license number on their websites and all their promotional material. Remember, if you hire an air conditioning service in Arlington, TX without a license, then there’s no guarantee that your repairs will be carried out in a professional manner.
5- Always Demand a Written Estimate
The contractors who shy away from giving you a written estimate are not to be trusted. The thing is, it’s really easy to give a verbal estimate and then back out. However, when a contractor gives you a written and detailed estimate with the cost for everything included and clearly mentioned in it, it’s hard to back out. And you get a proof in your hand as well. A written and detailed estimate just makes you avoid all the cost-related misunderstandings when the time comes to pay the bill.
6- Read Google Reviews
It’s safe to read Google reviews for air conditioning services in Arlington, TX. It will help you shortlist the contractors and pick the best one of them. However, one useful advice is that you should avoid Yelp! As it turns out Yelp filters its reviews with the help of proprietary software so you can easily come across a lot of fake reviews. But Google does not filter its reviews and this makes it very hard to write fake reviews.
These are some of the best tips that will help you select a dependable HVAC contractor. If you’re in search of a reliable air conditioning service in Arlington, TX, then feel free to contact Minuteman Heating & Air and request a quotation today!