Your HVAC Company Does More Than Just Air Conditioner Installation And Repair: We Do Furnace Maintenance As Well! | Mansfield, TX


Your HVAC Company Does More Than Just Air Conditioner Installation And Repair: We Do Furnace Maintenance As Well! | Mansfield, TX

Furnaces are common in many homes and come in handy during the freezing winters and falls. Your furnace may be running quite well without any issues, and you may wonder if it’s necessary to schedule furnace maintenance this year. This is a reasonable question because, after all, additional care means extra costs.

However, regular furnace maintenance is advised as a preventive measure to avoid issues in the future. Ensuring annual maintenance is carried out keeps your furnace running throughout the winter. Also, it saves money as most problems are fixed before they become significant.

This blog will assist homeowners in Mansfield, TX, in understanding the importance of regular servicing and decide whether or not it’s about time they hired an air conditioner installation provider to check out their furnaces.

Lower Utility Bills

A furnace can make up to 29 percent of your total energy bills in a year. This is mainly seen during the freezing winters. With routine maintenance, your funnel will run smoothly over the winter months.

When an air conditioner installation provider performs maintenance on your funnel, they lubricate moving parts, tighten electrical connections, and inspect blower components.

Also, they ensure correct airflow is measured, and the condenser and evaporator coil are inspected. Keeping all parts of the furnace working at total volume increases its operation efficiency, lowering utility bill costs.

Fewer Repairs

Seasonal inspections allow an air conditioner installation electrician to thoroughly inspect your furnace and resolve any minor problems, leading to costly repairs if ignored.

The lubrication, cleaning, and evaluation of your furnace keep it running at high performance; hence, you experience fewer breakdowns during operations.

Extends the Life of Your Furnace

The wide range of inspections that an air conditioner installation technician performs during seasonal maintenance allows your furnace to run better and longer. The cleaner and better maintained your furnace is, the longer it will last.

A professional air conditioner installation expert will not only clean your furnace during the maintenance but also test and check all the features of your device before it’s too late. In addition, the professional checks safety controls and makes sure you know where your furnace stands. Extending your furnace’s life means saving extra money since you won’t need to buy a new one.

Improved Home Air Quality

A tune-up in your furnace improves the quality of air in your home. Furnaces have air filters that must be changed frequently every 90 days, but debris and dirt build-up will also be visible in other areas.

Air filters do an excellent job cleaning up the air that circulates through the furnace. Still, if you are experiencing any allergy symptoms or seeing debris and dirt build up, your furnace may keep you and your family warm. But still, it’s time you schedule a service with an air conditioner installation technician.

Improved Safety

Your family’s safety should be your primary priority. Many furnaces are obnoxious but relatively harmless overall. That is why any maintenance service should include a review of the safety and any possible problem areas.

Electrical issues can be a considerable risk to you and your family. Connection checks are essential to professional service and prevent the worst from happening in your home.

Detect Dangers Like Carbon Monoxide and Gas Leaks

Regular inspection of furnaces assists in keeping you and your family safe. Furnaces produce heat through burning fuel, which is crucial to ensure the combustion process is efficient. An issue in the stove can lead to harmful gas leaks.

A faulty furnace can also cause a carbon monoxide leak. This gas is harder to detect since it is colorless and has no odor. High levels of carbon monoxide in your home can cause headaches, nausea, and even death.

A routine professional servicing by an air conditioner installation technician is highly advisable to homeowners in Mansfield, TX, to protect them and their families from potential safety risks.

Stay Happy, Warm, and Safe During the Winter

Having your furnace inspected by an air conditioner installation expert thoroughly before the winter assists you know if it will serve you diligently throughout the season. The last thing you need is to be woken up very early in the morning by freezing and low temperatures because your furnace broke down.

Knowing the furnace’s state before the winter will save homeowners in Mansfield, TX, from all that grief. And if all the maintenance in the world cannot protect your furnace, you will have time before the winter season begins to replace it with a new one.

Improved Capacity

Once your furnace has undergone maintenance, it will work at maximal performance and efficiency. Since all the essential parts have been lubricated, adjusted, and assessed, your furnace will operate at total capacity. This results in it efficiently meeting your and your family’s demands.

Maintain Your Manufacturer’s Warranty

If your furnace is relatively new, it is most likely covered under warranty. On most good quality furnaces, you can get an option of about ten years warranty.

Most manufacturers require annual service maintenance records to uphold your warranty. Imagine how devastated you can be if you file a claim for unexpected repairs only to know that lack of maintenance over the years has voided your warranty.

Safeguard your wallet by hiring an air conditioner installation technician to perform routine maintenance on your furnace.

At Minuteman Heating & Air, We Will Handle all your Furnace Needs!

At Minuteman Heating & Air, we can provide you with all the furnace services you need this fall and winter. Our staff offers a wide range of services, including furnace repair, installation, and maintenance. We also provide AC services, heating and air conditioning, duct cleaning and repairs, and zoned heating and cooling systems. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

Photo By mrod at istock