A Breakdown on Knowing When to Call for AC Repair | Arlington, TX


A Breakdown on Knowing When to Call for AC Repair | Arlington, TX

Photo By adamkaz at istock

When you have to call for AC repair you have to remember that there are smaller parts inside of the box outside. In Arlington, TX if you don’t have working air conditioning you are going to have a bad time on hot days. Understanding these parts will make a repair easier to explain and ensure that whoever you call does the best possible job to make your air conditioning back to normal in a hurry.

Holding Box and Fan

We’ll start with the box itself. Most boxes are made of steel or aluminum framing to ensure the parts stay in place but in some cases plastics or recycled alloys are used to reduce cost or weight, especially if your unit is a roof based model. Ensuring that vegetation and pests don’t get inside you need something hardened enough to keep them out. Attached at the top or on the side of the box is a large fan that is used to pull the hot air through the box out into the atmosphere. That fan is generally made of a metal like steel or aluminum as well so that they last long enough. Plastics on the outside face are not usually recommended because the UV light from the sun can break down over time. The boxes are also installed on a concrete pad to keep them grounded, if they aren’t roof units that are attached to the roof itself. If your box is compromised call for AC repair at once.


Evaporators wrap around the box and run liquid refrigerant through them and convert the refrigerant liquid to a gas. This absorbs the heat from the air and drops the temperature to near or even below freezing. The fan that is attached to the box will run at different speeds to get the evaporator to do exactly what is needed for the current air conditioning load. Your AC repair specialist will let you know how efficient your evaporator is and its current state of repair. The evaporator in your unit is generally made from copper, aluminum, or steel. These metals conduct heat easily so that they can work effectively in your unit.


The condenser is the part of your unit you are most likely to have to call AC repair for. It’s a large module that pressurizes the refrigerant to push through the system. As the heart of your air conditioning unit your unit will fail overheat and cease operation is damaged. The coil on the inside is generally made from copper tubes with aluminum fins or all aluminium tubing to ensure heat is transferred quickly. You can look at what a condenser looks like without ripping your unit apart is to look at the back of your refrigerator as that is what it will look like inside. It radiates the excess heat coming through the lines to ensure your air conditioning unit stays at a proper operating condition. The refrigerant liquid will flow through the coils on it’s way through your air conditioning unit.

Expansion Valve

One of the more technologically important and sophisticated items in your air conditioning unit is the expansion valve which determines how fast, or how much, refrigerant is passed through your air conditioning unit. Your AC repair specialist will likely inspect this to ensure it is calibrated correctly. Without this operating property you could overload the entire air conditioning unit which would lead to a very expensive cost to run. Conversely if it is overly restricted it won’t release enough refrigerant and will lead to failure of the unit generally by overheating. Expansion valves can be made of a lot of different materials including brass and steel so they can handle the intense pressure inside the flow area.


The compressor is a large electric pump that pressurizes the spent refrigerant gas and returns it to a liquid. When you call for a repair and it turns out to be the compressor is failing they will likely just replace the unit rather than attempt a repair as it is such a specialized item it is extremely difficult to disassemble and reassemble without specialized equipment and workspace as compressors are generally supposed to be permanently welded shut. The compressor will likely contain multiple sensors, valves, and timers to ensure it’s proper operation. As those items may all be inside of the compressor you will have a mix of materials including a steel case and a mix of specialized materials inside to ensure the pump can last for numerous uninterrupted cycles.

Refrigerant Liquid

Your air conditioning unit requires something in those pipes to ensure that it operates effectively. Your AC repair call may determine that you need more refrigerant liquid added but if it is leaking it means you have a different issue that needs to be addressed. That issue will likely mean that you have a leak in the system and will need to get either your unit replaced or have the pipes running between your air conditioning unit and your furnace unit inside, where the air conditioner links up to, gets replaced. There are two types of refrigerant currently in use in the United States. If your unit was manufactured before 2010 it likely uses Freon. Your AC repair person may mention the codes R-22 or HCFC-22.Freon is generally considered unsafe for the environment and has been replaced with Puron, also called R410A. Puron has been required in new units since 2010 but your AC repair choice can work on a plan to replace the older coils and compressors to switch off of Freon if you choose.

Calling for AC repair is not generally something you want to do, but with the hot summers in Arlington, TX you will want to get your unit fixed as soon as possible. When you need help with your unit contact the revolutionary service of Minuteman Heating & Air of Arlington, TX. Their licensed staff will ensure your air conditioner is in the best shape possible when you call for repair or offer appropriate replacement units if needed.