
Advice From Your Trusted AC Repair Company On Issues That Affect Your Air Handling Unit | Mansfield, TX

Advice From Your Trusted AC Repair Company On Issues That Affect Your Air Handling Unit | Mansfield, TX

If the air temperatures are high, then it can hold more water vapor. This is why your sweat might feel sticky during the summer. The moisture levels in the air are called humidity, and high levels can make your home uncomfortable. Because of evaporation and other causes, there is moisture in the air, and your air conditioning system does an excellent job regulating it. However, this only happens if the AC unit is efficiently functioning and you have followed a meticulous air conditioning service.

At any temperature, the air can only hold a certain level of moisture, which can be said to be saturated. If the temperatures are reduced below that, then there will be excessive water vapor that will condense. Summers are highly humid seasons, and you need to have an AC repair technician install an air handling unit. These systems do a great job of eliminating or controlling indoor air quality. The comfort at your home depends on the velocity of air, humidity, air temperatures, and how clean the air is. Below are things that impact the air handling unit:

Relative Humidity on Air Handling Unit

When the air conditioner cools the air, it is highly saturated with water and isn’t good for your health. You might suffer a chest infection, get a cold, or cough if you inhale the air. Additionally, moisture might condense on the AC unit affecting its cooling efficiency. This means that you will have to seek AC repairs soon. The designers of the air conditioners came up with an ingenious way of dealing with this. An air conditioner also works as a dehumidifier to address the problem. The wetness or humidity in the atmosphere is the volume or amount of water suspended at a given temperature against the total volume that the air can hold at saturation. This is called relative humidity.

Dew Point

The impact of increasing the relative humidity over the saturation point results in condensation. This temperature is called the dew point temperature. At saturation point, reducing the temperatures of the air will result in the vapor condensing back into the water. If the air outside isn’t saturated, any cooling by the air conditioner will result in automatic condensation. Hence, you must regulate the indoor air to cater to this. Condensation in any part of your Mansfield, TX home will result in mold growth. As a result, ensure that you call an AC repair technician to further inspect the air handling unit when you notice excessive condensation.

Specific Humidity

The other factor which affects the cooling efficiency of an air handling unit and the comfort of your home is the specific humidity. This is the water vapor mass ratio to dry air within a given air volume. The humidity should be between 50-60% at any given moment. If you notice that your home has suddenly become stuffy, enlist an AC repair professional to inspect the air handler and perform the required repairs.

Wet Bulb Temperature

This refers to the temperature recorded by a thermometer with a wetted fabric covering the bulb. The temperature is lower than it would be if the bulb were dry because of the cooling effect produced as the water in the cloth evaporates. The air’s dryness affects how quickly water evaporates from wet textiles. The difference in temperature between the dry and wet bulbs determines the humidity. When both measurements are shown on the psychrometric chart, a wet and dry bulb thermometer encased in a casing (humidity sensor) and swung in the air determines the relative humidity. If the AC repair technician determines that the relative humidity is high, they will inspect various AC units. Upon determining the cause

What’s a Comfort Zone in an AC?

Your level of comfort is not just dependent on temperature. Consider the following; your perspiration wouldn’t evaporate in the air that has been chilled to a comfortable 21°C but has a 100% relative humidity. Therefore, relative humidity is crucial because it would be uncomfortable. The comfort zone is a range of temperatures & relative humidity that are thought to be comfortable for the human body. However, an AC repair technician can perform various actions on your AC unit, like maintenance, to ensure that your Mansfield, TX home is comfortably cooled.

You need to use a dry and wet bulb psychrometer to measure the air’s relative humidity. You can also refer to this as a dry and wet bulb hygrometer. Using a dry and wet bulb instrument is one reasonably straightforward approach to finding the RH. A thermometer with a moist sleeve wrapping the temperature recorder is exposed to air. The wet bulb temperature is the temperature at which heat is transferred from the air to the moistened sleeve due to the dissipation from the moistened sleeve, which causes the temperature to drop.

Effect of Legionella on an Air Handling Unit

Legionella is one of the bacteria that can be lethal to people. It is found in areas of standing water, where it can develop between 20 and 45 degrees Celsius, with rapid growth occurring at 36 degrees. Systems should be created to prevent infection and water from accumulating. Although the Air Handling Unit (AHU) is typically more susceptible to water buildup, the air conditioning systems must be designed so that no water accumulates.

As a result, it’s essential to keep the air conditioning systems’ drains clear and clean the air filters regularly using 50 ppm super chlorinated water. The AC repair technician will use an ultra-chlorinated solution to clean the humidifier, evaporator, and heater coils. The symptoms of the legionnaires’ illness often begin suddenly and resemble those of the flu before turning into a kind of pneumonia.

Do You Need Reliable Air Conditioning Services?

Do you need AC repair, maintenance, installation, or replacement in your Mansfield, TX home? Contact us at Minuteman Heating & Air, your reputable and reliable AC repair company.

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