Heating and AC in Arlington TX: Cost Effective Residential Air Conditioning Solutions


Heating and AC in Arlington TX: Cost Effective Residential Air Conditioning Solutions

We have been long associated with the industry of heating and air condition service in Arlington, TX witnessing the hard times and growth which scripts its journey unto the present date. We have seen the technology evolve, solutions presented and challenges being efficiently met. We have attended different complaints and facilitated multitudes of queries. However, one concern – a challenge which has transcended beyond every presented solution of past and present is:

The challenge of finding a cost effective residential air conditioning solution…

And this concern is warranted, especially, from the residents of Arlington-TX where electricity bills constitute the major part of total energy cost and the weather gets pretty hot during summers. Traditionally, air conditioner manufacturers have focused on improving the technology of heating elements to cut down on electricity bills while improving the efficiency – the results of which have not been too encouraging. But now it appears, they may finally have found a new solution based on a completely different approach. That approach is:

Integrating ice chillers which utilize off-peak electricity hours with the existing residential air conditioning systems.

As a company which provides heating and air condition services in Arlington, TX, we decided to look into this technology in a bit more detail in order to help our customers in finding a cost effective residential air conditioning solution.

Ice Chillers – Not a Novel Concept

Those who been associated with air conditioning industry would have come across ice chillers at some point. It is a cooling technology which has long been deployed in industries and commercial applications. So, the technology in itself does not appear to be some novel concept. However, what has been limiting its application in residential sector until now was its large form factor which made its deployment in homes difficult and expensive. But it seems as if some manufacturing giants have finally made the leap. Designed prototypes are being successfully run in single storey residential buildings while some manufacturers have already commercialized solutions for multi-storey residential buildings – a sub topic which we will explore later. If you want detailed information on the solutions currently available in the market, you can contact a heating and air conditioning service in Arlington, TX.

Understanding the Concept Behind Ice Chillers

Ice chillers use a secondary off-peak electricity circuit to freeze water which is stored in insulated tanks. The off peak electricity hours varies from state to state and the designing of the circuit need technical expertise for which you can consult a reliable heating and air conditioning service in Arlington, TX. The ice is then used for providing cooling to a building during daytime or as per user needs.

How They Can Be Integrated with Residential Air Conditioning Systems?

Now this is where things get interesting for customers. The ice which is produced through off peak electricity powered battery is utilized for cooling refrigerant vapors to help expel the indoor heat. Therefore, rather than using the compressor and condenser for dissipating heat from the vaporized refrigerant and converting it back into chilled-liquid form, the stored ice serves as an alternative. This helps to cut down on electricity consumption during peak hours leading to a cost effective residential air conditioning system. The current technology allows the integration of an off peak cooling system with centralized air conditioning systems as well as ductless mini split air conditioner systems.

What are Benefits of Off-Peak Residential Air Conditioning System?

The benefits of off-peak residential air conditioning system are as follows:

  • Lower consumption of electricity which reduces grid load and helps in avoiding blackouts and brownouts.
  • Lower consumption of electricity and utilizing off-peak tariff rates, lower electricity bills.
  • By regulating the operation of compressor and condenser unit, issues of overheating can be restricted which not only increases service life of an air-conditioning system but also helps it to operate with maximum efficiency.
  • Lower emission of greenhouse gases which reduces environmental stress.

For more information on how off-peak residential air conditioning systems can benefit home owners, contact your local heating and air condition service in Arlington, TX.

Technical Consideration When Buying an Off-Peak Residential Air Conditioning System

Determining the appropriate form factor is the primary technical consideration to make before investing in an off-peak residential air conditioning system. For further guidance, consult your local heating and air conditioning service in Arlington, TX.

Technology in Market

Currently, the market of off-peak residential air conditioning systems is not as large as compared to other air conditioning units, since many companies are still in the prototype phase. Those, which have commercialized their products in the market, include:

  1. Ice Energy The company introduced its first off peak residential air conditioning system by the name of IceBear50 which is specifically designed for facilitating large residential buildings. It can provide cooling of up to 30-ton hours at a maximum load of 5 tons. Since then, it has also introduced another version, designed for small home applications by the name of IceBear20. Its new system, the IceCub, is in prototype phase.
  2. Ice Cycle – The company has designed an off-peak residential air conditioning system by the name of IceCycle Retro.
  3. CALMAC Already one of the largest manufacturers of commercial off-peak air conditioning systems, it has recently entered the residential market by introducing ICE-BANK model 1045 C tank which provides 45-ton hours of cooling.

To learn more about the available solutions and which one would best suit your needs, consult your local heating and air condition service in Arlington, TX.


With Texas being one of the most expensive states in terms of monthly electricity cost, cost effective air conditioning systems are needed to provide comforts to the locals in the scorching summers. As such, off-peak residential air conditioning systems can be the exact solution you need. And with the state and federal government continuing to offer financial incentives on off-peak electricity tariffs, the demand is set to rise further and so do the competitors. If you are looking for a heating and air condition service in Arlington, TX to help you with installation, purchasing or repair of air conditioner systems, feel free to contact us.