Scorching summers are impossible to tolerate without an efficient air conditioner in the comfort of your home or workplace. However, the situation could be worsened with the soaring temperatures if the air conditioning equipment fails to perform in coherence to the needs.
And why would that happen? This happens because it wasn’t taken care of in the first place. Just because you purchased high quality equipment does not mean you don’t have to think twice about the air conditioner and leave it on its own while you enjoy the cooling system before it breaks down right at the peak of season.
Before you run to a company providing repair for heating and AC in Arlington and Fort Worth Area or fall prey to the escalating bills without ever knowing the hidden problems with your air conditioner, take care of it with some of the essential tips.
1- Change The Air Conditioner Filter Four Times A Year
It is important to keep into consideration that the air conditioner filter performs one of the fundamental function of purifying the air and thus has a lot of pressure. This also means that the air conditioner filters have to be changed at regular intervals for the AC to function properly and have a long life. Changing filters regularly (every three months) enables the air conditioner to function in an effective manner without any bottlenecks in the form of clogged filters, etc. You can always call for professional help with changing filters by opting for a good company for heating and AC in Arlington and Fort Worth Area, so you don’t damage the equipment.
2- Check For The Cooling Efficiency
It might not be summers yet but if you need to take care of your air conditioner to increase the longevity, you need to keep a check on its efficiency all year round. And this means using the air conditioner frequently to look for any signs of a problem in the air conditioner, this way you’ll be able to monitor it and report any glitches. If it is not cooling properly it is better to call for repairs and ask for a professional technician from a reputable company offering services pertaining to heating and AC in Arlington and Fort Worth Area. A professional will be able to point a difference of temperature in degrees of the air coming out of vent and going back in.
3- Do Not Set The Temperatures Very Low
It is advisable not to set the air conditioner temperature very low because it eventually hampers the productivity of it in the long run. In order to keep your air conditioner in a good shape for longevity, it’s essential to set the temperature at a normal range and not freezing cold. For once, you don’t want to create a chilled atmosphere indoors since it is not healthy, secondly it consumes a lot more energy and makes the air conditioner work longer. Many people think turning the thermostat at the lowest helps cool the house quick, when it only makes them call for a repair company for heating and AC in Arlington and Fort Worth Area for a damaged air conditioner due to excessively low temperature settings.
4- Take Care Of The Ducts
If you think ducts are just an extra part of your air conditioner, or worst, that it is the junk department, you might be running after companies for repair for heating and AC in Arlington and Fort Worth Area. This is because clogged ducts hamper the performance of your air conditioner in the long run and damages the intricate systems as well, hence decreasing the life of the air conditioner. If your duct is located in a place where it is prone to dust, you can cover it with temporary air filters or fiberglass filters especially if your house is undergoing renovations or construction. This way the ducts remain dust and debris free and the air conditioner is able to perform in an efficient manner.
5- Clean The Unit From Outside
It is important to clean not just the front but the unit of air conditioner located outside in the open so to keep it safe from any water damage or dust, etc. The air conditioner works for longer periods of time if it is kept clean inside out regularly since that doesn’t get clogged with dust or any tiny particles that prove to be disastrous to the longevity of the air conditioner. The outside could be washed off easily with the help of a garden hose (after turning off the unit) to rinse off the dirt from the outside unit.
it is also essential to protect the outside unit with the help of natural shades but not obscure the airflow passage so the outside unit works efficiently without the copper inside is safeguarded.
6- Check For The Refrigerant Leak
The air conditioner refrigerants may leak sometimes due to the excessive heat because of which the air conditioner has to work with all its force to supply cool air to the house. If left without notice, this builds up to be a problem where the air conditioner gives in and you need major repairs. To increase the longevity of your air conditioner it is advised to call for the air conditioner maintenance company offering services for heating and AC in Arlington and Fort Worth Area so the experts may provide solution before it worsens.
At Minuteman Heating & Air, the professionally trained staff members and technicians ensure they provide quick relief to the air conditioner issues to avoid them from escalating into massive ones. Also, the maintenance is made easier this way so that the air conditioners work their way up a long term relationship with the homeowners.