
Is Your Location Causing A Need For Frequent Air Conditioning Repair Services? | Mansfield, TX

Is Your Location Causing A Need For Frequent Air Conditioning Repair Services? | Mansfield, TX

It’s no secret that different environments can significantly impact air conditioners. If you’re noticing an increased need for AC repair services, it might be due to your location. You may not be able to change your location, but you can be aware of the conditions causing more wear and tear on your AC unit. Knowing this information can help you take steps to minimize the impact of these conditions and prolong the lifespan of your AC unit.

Location Affects Humidity Levels in Your House

If you live in a place with high humidity, you may find that your AC unit has to work harder as it tries to remove moisture from the air and keep your home cool. This can cause the unit to overheat and break down more frequently. Additionally, the moisture in the air can cause condensation on the coils, leading to ice buildup and eventually causing the unit to stop working altogether. On the other hand, if you live in a dry climate, your AC unit may not have to work as hard to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. As a result, it may not break down as often and will require less frequent air conditioning repairs.

If high humidity is the culprit behind frequent AC repair services, you may be interested in a dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers help remove moisture from the air, making it easier for your AC unit to do its job. This can help prolong the life of your AC unit and keep your Mansfield, TX home more comfortable overall. In addition, if your house is close to the beach or another body of water that may be causing high humidity levels, close the windows and doors when the AC is running to prevent moisture from coming in.

Location Determines Corrosion-Causing Elements

One reason you are frequently calling an air conditioning repair professional is because of the rapid corrosion of metallic parts of your unit. Parts that are affected most by corrosion include coils, fins, and compressors. Several elements can cause corrosion. One of the most common elements is salt. It is commonly found near the coast or any body of water. The salty air can cause corrosion to the AC parts rapidly.

Another element is industrial pollution. This is usually found near factories or power plants. If your home is near any of these places, the air can be heavily polluted and cause your AC unit to corrode faster. This can cause the unit to break down more frequently and require more air conditioning repairs.

You can prevent corrosion by regularly cleaning the parts of your AC unit that are most vulnerable to it. This includes coils, fins, and compressors. In addition, you can protect these parts by coating them with a layer of paint or sealant. Be sure to consult with an AC professional in Mansfield, TX before taking action to prevent further damage to your AC unit.

Determines the Amount of Sun Exposed to Your House

The sun your house is exposed to daily depends on how often your AC has to be serviced. If your house is in a location that gets direct sunlight for most of the day, it will heat up faster than a house in a shady location. The direct sunlight causes the air inside your house to heat up, which makes your AC work harder to keep the temperature cool. As a result, your unit is more likely to break down and needs air conditioning repair service more often.

On the other hand, if your house is in the shade for most of the day, the unit may not have to work as hard to maintain a comfortable temperature. As a result, it may last longer and require less frequent air conditioning repairs.

You can reduce the amount of sun exposure your house gets by installing blinds or curtains. This will help keep the heat out and make it easier for your AC unit to do its job. In addition, you can try to keep the windows and doors closed when the AC is running to reduce the amount of sun exposure further. You can also consult an AC professional in Mansfield, TX about ways to reduce the amount of sun exposure your house gets.

Location Affects Strain on Moving Parts

Another factor affecting how often your unit needs air conditioning repairs is the strain on the moving parts. If your unit is in a location that experiences a lot of wind, it can strain the moving parts and cause them to break down more frequently. In addition, if your unit is in an area that experiences a lot of vibration, it can also strain the moving parts and cause them to break down.

You can reduce the strain on the moving parts by regularly lubricating them. This will help keep them from getting too dry and causing friction. In addition, if you live in an area that experiences a lot of wind or vibration, you can reduce the amount of time your AC is running.

Be Proactive in AC Maintenance

Taking proactive measures in AC maintenance can help you avoid the need for frequent air conditioning repairs. Be sure to regularly clean the parts of your unit most vulnerable to corrosion. In addition, be sure to keep the moving parts lubricated and reduce the amount of time your AC is running if you live in an area that experiences a lot of wind or vibration. These simple steps can help you avoid the need for frequent air conditioning repairs.

Let Us Help You Prolong the Lifespan of Your AC Unit

Minuteman Heating & Air understand how important it is for you to prolong the lifespan of your AC unit. Our team of certified professionals is here to help you achieve that goal. Schedule a free consultation today, and let us help you find ways to reduce the need for frequent air conditioning repairs.

Photo By bgwalker at istock